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Optic Nerve Injury-02

Patient: Mr. Zhang

Gender: Male
Age: 47


Diagnosis: Optic Nerve Injury-02

    Stem Cell Therapy for Optic Nerve Injury: A Miracle Regaining Sight

    In today's rapidly advancing medical technology, many diseases once deemed untreatable are now seeing new hope. Today, we share a touching story about mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy for optic nerve injury, a treatment method bringing renewed hope of sight for numerous patients.

    Mr. Zhang's Story

    Mr. Zhang, aged 47, is a dedicated engineer. However, his life took a drastic turn four months ago due to a serious car accident. In the accident, Mr. Zhang sustained severe damage to his right optic nerve, causing a rapid decline in vision to just faint light perception. Despite undergoing traditional treatments with steroids and neurotrophic medications, his vision showed minimal improvement. This situation deeply troubled him and his family.

    Upon a friend's recommendation, Mr. Zhang learned about an emerging treatment—mesenchymal stem cell therapy. After detailed consultations with specialized doctors and fully understanding the treatment process, Mr. Zhang decided to try this new approach.

    The stem cells were sourced from umbilical cord blood of healthy volunteers, rigorously screened and expanded in culture to possess potent regenerative and repair capabilities. Administered via intrathecal injection into the optic nerve sheath, these stem cells were precisely delivered into Mr. Zhang's right eye to promote regeneration of the damaged optic nerve.

    The treatment process was conducted in a sterile environment to ensure safety and precision at every step. During the first week post-operation, Mr. Zhang experienced only mild swelling and discomfort at the injection site, without any other adverse symptoms. However, surprisingly, by the end of the first month post-operation, Mr. Zhang began to perceive faint light and could discern bright light. This change filled him with hope for the future.

    Over the following months, Mr. Zhang's vision gradually improved. By the third month, he could perceive movements of large objects, and visual evoked potential (VEP) tests indicated significant recovery of optic nerve conduction function. By the sixth month, his right eye vision stabilized around 0.15, enabling him to distinguish large fonts and simple shapes, greatly enhancing his quality of daily life.

    Mr. Zhang's recovery signifies not just a triumph of modern medicine but also a testament to the collective efforts of countless medical researchers and volunteers. Mesenchymal stem cells, through secretion of various growth factors and cytokines, facilitated the regeneration and functional recovery of the damaged optic nerve. This treatment method demonstrates immense potential, offering hope to many patients like Mr. Zhang.


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