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Myasthenia gravis-01

Name: Zhang Wei

Gender: Male

Age: 32 years old

Nationality: Chinese

Diagnosis: Myasthenia gravis

    Zhang Wei's Myasthenia Gravis Treatment Story

    Zhang Wei, a 32-year-old software engineer, began experiencing symptoms of myasthenia gravis (MG) two years ago. Initially, he had ptosis (drooping eyelids) and blurred vision, but his symptoms worsened over time, leading to generalized muscle weakness that severely affected his work and daily life. Despite undergoing various treatments, including anticholinesterase medications, immunosuppressants, and intravenous immunoglobulin, his symptoms persisted and frequently recurred.

    With traditional therapies proving ineffective, doctors suggested that Zhang Wei try a new treatment method: CAR-T cell therapy. This innovative therapy uses genetic engineering to modify the patient's own T cells, enabling them to target and eliminate abnormal cells associated with the disease.

    After a thorough evaluation, Zhang Wei was deemed suitable for the treatment. Doctors first isolated T cells from his body and genetically modified and expanded them in the laboratory. Zhang Wei then underwent conditioning chemotherapy to reduce the number of existing lymphocytes in his body, preparing for the introduction of the CAR-T cells. Finally, the modified CAR-T cells were reinfused into Zhang Wei's body.

    During the initial phase of treatment, Zhang Wei experienced brief fatigue, but two weeks later, his symptoms began to significantly improve. The ptosis and blurred vision were notably reduced, and his strength gradually returned. One month later, his work efficiency improved, and he could resume normal daily activities. Three months post-treatment, Zhang Wei's symptoms had almost completely disappeared, and he no longer needed the previous medications. Follow-up examinations showed that his immune system was in good condition, with no severe side effects or signs of disease recurrence.

    Through CAR-T cell therapy, Zhang Wei's myasthenia gravis was significantly controlled, greatly enhancing his quality of life and work capability. This therapy offers new hope to many myasthenia gravis patients.


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