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Metastatic melanoma-04

Patient: Mr. Li

Gender: Male
Age: 45

Nationality: Norwegian

Diagnosis: Metastatic melanoma

    Patient Mr. Li, a 45-year-old male, began experiencing persistent abdominal pain and weight loss in early March 2022. Subsequent examinations at a local hospital led to his diagnosis in April 2022 with metastatic melanoma. Despite attempting several conventional treatments, including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, his condition continued to deteriorate, with tumors spreading to his liver and lungs.

    After unsuccessful attempts with standard therapies, Mr. Li sought alternative treatment options in December 2022 upon medical advice. After consulting extensively and researching, he decided to try an innovative immunotherapy called Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TILs) therapy.

    TILs Therapy Process:

    1. Tumor Sample Extraction: In January 2023, Mr. Li underwent a minor surgery to extract a portion of the tumor tissue.


    2. Lymphocyte Expansion: In the laboratory, researchers isolated Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) from the extracted tumor sample. These lymphocytes were expanded multiple times in vitro to reach the required quantity for treatment.


    3. Chemotherapy Preparation: Prior to the infusion of TILs cells, Mr. Li underwent chemotherapy for a period to reduce the number of existing lymphocytes in his body, making space for the newly infused TILs cells.


    4. TILs Cell Infusion: In March 2023, the expanded TILs cells were reintroduced into Mr. Li's body via intravenous infusion.


    5. Supportive Treatment: To enhance the activity of TILs, Mr. Li also received several injections of Interleukin-2 (IL-2).

    In the months following the treatment, Mr. Li's condition significantly improved. The tumors shrank markedly, and metastatic lesions showed partial relief. Follow-up in June 2023 revealed near-complete disappearance of tumors in the liver and lungs. Mr. Li's overall health gradually normalized, his weight returned, and his abdominal pain subsided.

    "When I learned about my condition, it felt like the whole world was collapsing. After experiencing multiple ineffective treatments, I had almost lost hope. Fortunately, I encountered TILs therapy, which not only saved my life but also restored my hope for the future. I am grateful to all the doctors and researchers who helped me. It is your efforts that have given me a new lease on life. I hope this therapy can help more patients like me to overcome cancer and embrace a healthy life again."


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