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Left breast cancer accompanied by multiple bone metastases (Stage IV), lymph node metastasis, and carcinomatous lymphangitis in both lungs-03

Patient: Ms. W

Gender: Female

Age: 65

Nationality: United Arab Emirates

Diagnosis: Left breast cancer accompanied by multiple bone metastases (Stage IV), lymph node metastasis, and carcinomatous lymphangitis in both lungs

    In May 2014, Ms. W was diagnosed with left breast cancer accompanied by multiple bone metastases (Stage IV), lymph node metastasis, and carcinomatous lymphangitis in both lungs, among other complications. 

    On her doctor's recommendation, Ms. W underwent chemotherapy to eliminate as many cancer cells as possible. Following this, she took steroids and painkillers, but the cancer cells remained uncontrollable, and doctors estimated she had no more than three months to live.

    Later, a friend in the medical field informed Ms. W's family that the traditional treatment for breast cancer in China had a five-year survival rate of 73.1%, whereas immunotherapy or a combination of immunotherapy and traditional treatment had a five-year survival rate as high as 95%. This gave Ms. W a glimmer of hope.

    Ms. W and her family learned about the immunotherapy available at Nanjing Medical University and decided to pursue it. The medical team first sequenced Ms. W's tumor and confirmed her immune cell status through immuno-function tests. Subsequently, they initiated the immunotherapy treatment. Miraculously, four months later, Ms. W's shortness of breath significantly improved. Six months after treatment, her pain was effectively reduced, she no longer needed to live with an oxygen tank, and she could stop taking painkillers and steroids. One year later, follow-up imaging (PET/CT) showed a significant reduction in cancer cells compared to before the treatment. (The following images show the pre-treatment scan on the left and the post-treatment scan on the right.) 

    Today, Ms. W is free of any cancerous lesions and is able to lead a normal life.



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