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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)-04

Patient: Mr. Li

Gender: Male

Age: 64

Nationality: Chinese

Diagnosis: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

    Mr. Li, 64 years old (pseudonym), was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) four years ago, which had progressed to late-stage involvement of the spleen, ribs, lungs, and pleura, classified as stage IV. Following first-line immunochemotherapy, his condition remained in remission for over three years. However, in March of last year, his disease relapsed, involving multiple retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Despite second-line salvage chemotherapy, he only achieved partial remission and rapidly deteriorated, necessitating more effective treatment to control further progression.

    Faced with this daunting challenge, the expert team at Lu Daopei Hospital extensively reviewed Mr. Li's case and convened a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting to recommend CAR-T cell therapy. CAR-T cell therapy, as the latest form of tumor immunotherapy, offers significant advantages such as strong targeting and enduring efficacy for patients with relapsed and refractory lymphoma.

    In January 2023, Mr. Li underwent CAR-T cell therapy at the Lymphoma Department. Before treatment, he underwent biopsy of the right inguinal lymph nodes, which confirmed CD19 and CD20 positivity, providing clear targets for CAR-T cell therapy. Under the guidance of Professor Li, the medical team devised a personalized treatment plan.

    On July 25, 2023, Mr. Li completed the infusion process of CD19/20 CAR-T cells, which proceeded smoothly under careful monitoring by the medical team. Despite experiencing cytokine release syndrome, cytopenia, and infection risks post-infusion, stringent supportive care successfully managed adverse reactions during treatment.

    Six months after implementing CAR-T cell therapy, Mr. Li showed no significant active lesions throughout his body, achieving complete metabolic response (CMR), which brought new hope for his health. The medical team further supplemented residual retroperitoneal lesions with radiotherapy to ensure complete disease regression and long-term stability.

    Through this CAR-T cell immunotherapy, Mr. Li not only achieved significant improvement in his condition but also regained confidence and vitality in life. His case provides new hope and direction for lymphoma patients and demonstrates the potential and efficacy of CAR-T cell therapy in treating refractory lymphoma.

    CAR-T cell therapy, as an innovative cancer treatment, is transforming the life trajectories of patients with refractory lymphoma. Under the meticulous care of the expert team at the Lymphoma Department, more patients like Mr. Li can expect significant improvements in survival and quality of life. Looking ahead, further advancements and applications of CAR-T cell therapy promise broader prospects and possibilities in cancer treatment.



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