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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL)-03

Patient: Mr. Wang

Gender: Male

Age: 45

Nationality: Chinese

Diagnosis: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL)

    In March 2021, Mr. Wang (pseudonym) suddenly felt right lower abdominal pain, initially mistaken for gastrointestinal discomfort, and did not seek medical attention promptly. Over the next two months, he repeatedly experienced symptoms of right lower abdominal pain, prompting him to seek medical consultation at a local hospital. A CT scan revealed abnormalities in the colon and enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

    Doctors recommended colonoscopy and biopsy for further diagnosis, which confirmed "diffuse large B-cell lymphoma," a malignant tumor commonly known as lymphoma. PET-CT further confirmed widespread nodular hypermetabolic lesions throughout his body, with the largest measuring 4.3*4.1*4.5cm.

    With the support of his family, Mr. Wang underwent four cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy. A follow-up PET-CT after chemotherapy showed partial remission.

    However, subsequent treatments led to severe complications for Mr. Wang, such as intestinal obstruction, perforation, and acute peritonitis. Gastrointestinal surgeons and attending physicians collaborated on a surgical plan, performing colon resection and drainage, alongside symptomatic supportive care, effectively managing his gastrointestinal symptoms.

    A subsequent PET-CT scan revealed increased tumor lesions and size. To better eradicate tumor cells, doctors adjusted the intensified chemotherapy regimen and recommended hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

    Undergoing a series of setbacks, Mr. Wang experienced immense physical and emotional suffering as his condition worsened. Tumor infiltration was observed in multiple areas, with newly developed multifocal nodular hypermetabolic lesions significantly enlarging the cancerous area. Due to tumors throughout his body, Mr. Wang suffered from chronic systemic pain, making it difficult for him to lie flat and sleep due to pain.

    In despair, Mr. Wang learned about CAR-T therapy, a novel CAR-T cell immunotherapy specifically designed for patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell lymphoma.

    Before undergoing CAR-T therapy, a lymph node biopsy in the right inguinal region indicated CD19 and CD20 positivity, providing precise targets for CAR-T cell treatment. Professor Yu organized a detailed comprehensive physical examination, leading to the development of an individualized CAR-T treatment plan for Mr. Wang.

    On July 25, 2022, Mr. Wang received CD19/20 CAR-T cell infusion at the hospital, with the procedure going smoothly. Close monitoring and strict supportive care controlled adverse reactions post-infusion without life-threatening complications.

    In less than three months, by October 10, 2022, a follow-up PET-CT scan confirmed complete remission, with overall assessment indicating significant improvement in his health status.

    During subsequent follow-ups, Mr. Wang regularly underwent CT, MRI, or PET-CT scans, all confirming his complete remission status. As of now, his health remains good, surpassing a complete remission period of over 14 months.



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