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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(T-ALL)-03

Patient: Huang XX


Age: 42 years old

Nationality: Chinese

Diagnosis:Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(T-ALL)

    Case Features:

    - Diagnosis: Acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia

    - Onset and Symptoms: April 2020, presented with dizziness, fatigue, and skin bleeding points. Diagnosed with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia through bone marrow MICM examination.

    - Initial Treatment: Achieved complete remission (CR) after VDCLP regimen chemotherapy, followed by 2 cycles of intensified chemotherapy.

    - July 19, 2020: Received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from a female donor (HLA 5/10 A donor A). Conditioning regimen included total body irradiation (TBI), cyclophosphamide (CY), and etoposide (VP-16). Peripheral stem cells were infused on July 24, with granulocyte recovery by day +10 and platelet engraftment by day +13. Regular outpatient follow-ups thereafter.

    - February 25, 2021: Bone marrow relapse detected during follow-up.

    - Treatment: Started oral thalidomide therapy.

    - March 8: Admitted to our hospital.

    - Bone Marrow Morphology: 61.5% blasts.

    - Peripheral Blood Classification: 15% blasts.

    - Immunophenotyping: 35.25% cells expressing CD99, CD5, CD3dim, CD8dim, CD7, cCD3, CD2dim, HLA-ABC, cbcl-2, CD81, CD38, indicating malignant immature T lymphocytes.

    - Chromosome Analysis: 46, XX [9].

    - Leukemia Fusion Gene: SIL-TAL1 fusion gene positive; quantitative measurement: SIL-TA.

    - Blood Tumor Mutation: Negative.

    - Chimerism Analysis (post-HSCT): Donor-derived cells accounted for 45.78%.

    - March 11: Collection of autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes for CD7-CART cell culture.

    - Treatment: VILP (VDS 4mg, IDA 10mg, L-asparaginase 10,000 IU qd x 4 days, Dex 9mg q12h x 9 days) regimen combined with thalidomide to control the tumor.

    - March 19: FC regimen chemotherapy (Flu 50mg x 3 days, CTX 0.4g x 3 days).

    - March 24 (pre-infusion): Bone marrow morphology showed grade V hyperplasia, with 22% blasts.

    - Bone Marrow Flow Cytometry: 29.21% cells (of nucleated cells) expressing CD3, CD5, CD7, CD99, partially expressing cCD3, indicating malignant immature T cells.

    - Quantitative SIL-TAL1 Fusion Gene: 1.913%.


    - March 26: Infusion of autologous CD7-CART cells (5*10^5/kg)
    - CAR-T Related Side Effects:CRS grade 1 (fever), no neurotoxicity
    - April 12 (Day 17): Follow-up showed bone marrow morphology in remission, no malignant immature cells detected by flow cytometry, and SIL-TAL1 (STIL-SCL) fusion gene quantification at 0



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