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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(T-ALL)-01

Patient: Zhang XX


Age: 47 years old

Nationality: Chinese

Diagnosis:Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(T-ALL)

    Clinical features:

    - Diagnosis: T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia

    - March 2020: Presented with paroxysmal cough and mediastinal mass, confirmed T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma by mediastinal mass puncture biopsy.

    - Received 8 cycles of chemotherapy and over 20 sessions of radiotherapy, resulting in significant reduction of mediastinal mass.

    - January 16, 2021: Developed pain in the right lower limb.

    - Blood routine: WBC 122.29 x 10^9/L, HGB 91 g/L, PLT 51 x 10^9/L

    - Bone marrow morphology: 95.5% primitive lymphoblasts.

    - Bone marrow flow cytometry: 91.77% of cells were immature T-cell lymphoblasts.

    - Genetic sequencing: Mutations in NOTCH1, IL7R, ASXL2 genes detected.

    - Received Hyper-CVAD/B regimen, ESHAP regimen subsequently, both ineffective with persistent fever.

    - February 18, 2021: Admitted to our hospital.

    - Presented with fever, chest CT showed pneumonia.

    - Blood routine: WBC 2.89 x 10^9/L, HGB 57.7 g/L, PLT 14.9 x 10^9/L

    - Peripheral blood immature cells: 90%

    - Bone marrow morphology: Hypercellular (IV grade), 85% primitive lymphoblasts.

    - Immunophenotyping: 87.27% of cells were malignant primitive T-cell lymphoblasts.

    - Chromosomal analysis: 46,XX [24]; three additional abnormal karyotypes observed.

    - Mutated genes:

      1. IL7R T244_I245insARCPL mutation positive

      2. NOTCH1 E1583_Q1584dup mutation positive

      3. ASXL2 Q602R mutation positive

    - Leukemia fusion gene screening: Negative

    - PET/CT results: No significant hypermetabolic tumor foci in the entire skeleton and bone marrow cavity.


    - Started VP regimen chemotherapy, detailed as follows: Vincristine (VDS) 3mg once, Dexamethasone (Dex) 7mg every 12 hours for 9 days, along with anti-infective treatment.

    - March 1: Peripheral blood immature cells reduced to 7%.

    - March 4: Collected autologous lymphocytes for CD7-CAR T cell culture.

    - March 8: Started VLP regimen combined with Sida benzamine treatment.

    - March 14: Received FC regimen chemotherapy (Fludarabine 0.35g for 3 days, Cyclophosphamide 45mg for 3 days).

    - March 17 (pre-cell infusion):

      - Bone marrow residual immunophenotyping: 15.14% cells express CD7 bright, CD3 dim, cytoplasmic CD3, T cell receptor restricted delta (TCRrd), partial expression of CD99, indicating malignant primitive T cells.

    - March 19: Infused autologous CD7-CAR T cells (1 x 10^6/kg).

    - CAR-T related side effects: Grade 1 CRS (fever), no neurotoxicity.

    - April 6 (Day 17): Bone marrow morphology showed remission, flow cytometry did not detect malignant primitive cells.



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