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I-Hematologist Clinical / Associate Professor

Zhanqiang Zhang

Ukugxila emtholampilo

I-leukemia, i-myelodysplastic syndrome, i-aplastic anemia

Ukwelashwa kwezidakamizwa okuhlosiwe kanye ne-immunotherapy yeziguli ngemuva kwe-HSCT

Imfundo nokuqeqeshwa

Uthole iziqu e-Hebei Medical College ngeziqu ze-bachelor ku-clinical science ngo-1995, wathola iziqu ze-master in Clinical sciences e-Institute of Advanced Military Medicine ngo-2001 kanye neziqu zobudokotela kwisayensi yomtholampilo e-Peking Union Medical College ngo-2008.

Okuhlangenwe nakho kochwepheshe

July 1995 - September 1998: Intern, Department of Internal Medicine, Handan Second Hospital, Hebei

Julayi 2001-Disemba 2009: Umxhumanisi, Umnyango Wegazi, Isibhedlela sama-305 se-People's Liberation Army

Disemba 2009-March 2019: UProfesa Ohlobene Nomtholampilo, Umnyango Wezempilo Yegazi, Isibhedlela esingu-305 PLA

NgoMashi 2019 ukwethula: UProfesa Ohlangene Womtholampilo, uMnyango Wokufakelwa Kwamathambo Umnkantsha, Isibhedlela saseLu Daopei

Ubulungu obuchwepheshile

Ilungu le-Blood Division ye-Chinese Society of Biological Immunology,

Ilungu legatsha le-Translational Medicine le-Beijing Medical Association,

Ilungu leKomidi le-Lymphoma le-Chinese Association for the Promotion of Human Health.

Odokotela (11)504