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Nanjing Mingji Tsev Kho Mob

Nanjing Mingji Tsev Kho Mob tau koom ua ke los ntawm Jiashida Group thiab Nanjing Municipal State-owned Assets Group, tau pom zoo los ntawm National Health Commission thiab Ministry of Commerce nyob rau hauv 2003. Nyob rau hauv 2022, nws tau muab tsub rau Qib A tertiary comprehensive tsev kho mob. Nrog thaj tsam ntawm kev tsim kho ntawm 220,000 square meters, lub tsev kho mob muaj 1500 txaj. Muaj 38 lub chaw kho mob thiab 13 chav kho mob thev naus laus zis. Tam sim no, nws muaj 1 lub teb chaws kho mob tseem ceeb tshwj xeeb, 2 lub xeev-theem chaw kho mob tseem ceeb tshwj xeeb (nrog rau chav tsev tsim kho), thiab 16 lub tsev kho mob tseem ceeb hauv nroog. Nws tau tsim muaj ntau yam kev qhuab qhia uas sawv cev los ntawm nephrology, otolaryngology-lub taub hau thiab caj dab phais, pancreatic center, plab hnyuv to thiab plab kab mob chaw, neurosurgery, thiab orthopedics. Mingji Tsev Kho Mob tau txhim kho cov chaw kho mob tsis tu ncua, nrog 32 chav ua haujlwm laminar ntws ntawm ntau pua txhiab qib, lub chaw ntxuav ntshav, thiab chav saib xyuas mob hnyav nruab nrog cov khoom siv saib xyuas txawv teb chaws. Lub tsev kho mob tau qhia tag nrho PACS, LIS (Labboratory Information System), thiab HIS (Healthcare Information System) software tswj cov ntaub ntawv uas txhawb nqa kev kho mob archiving thiab kev sib txuas lus, thiab tau txais tag nrho cov Taiwan tsev kho mob tswj qauv thiab kev kho mob tswvyim ntawm "tus neeg mob-centered kev saib xyuas holistic."