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Huazhong University of Science thiab Technology Union Shenzhen Tsev Kho Mob

Huazhong University of Science thiab Technology Union Shenzhen Tsev Kho Mob yog ib lub tsev kho mob qib siab A uas tau tsim los ntawm Nanshan District People's Government. Lub tsev kho mob tam sim no muaj 1,482 lub txaj uas tau tso cai thiab tau nruab rau kev ua haujlwm ntxiv rau lub cev membrane oxygenation (ECMO), kev phais neeg hlau pab rau cov kab mob cranial (cov qog hlwb thiab lub paj hlwb hemorrhages), laparoscopic fluorescence + intraoperative ultrasound-guided daim siab resection, percutaneous endoscopic lumbar PELD disectomy ( ), malignant melanoma resection thiab sentinel lymph node clearance phais, 3D tshuab luam ntawv rau orthopedic appliances, 4D CT imaging technology rau lub caj pas, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, thiab laparoscopic radical cystectomy. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub tsev kho mob tau nce kev nqis peev hauv peb lub xyoos dhau los thiab tsim kev tshawb fawb platforms, suav nrog kev tsim kho lub txhab nyiaj biosample thiab chaw sim tsiaj hauv xyoo 2020 thiab tsim lub Chaw Kho Mob Hloov Kho Kho Mob tsom rau kev tshawb fawb qia hlwb hauv 2021, nruab nrog Cov cuab yeej tshawb fawb xws li laser confocal microscopes, thaj clamp systems, high-throughput sequencers, thiab 3-D printers.